Detoxify & Replenish Your BODY
The Fountain of Youth: Poor eating habits and dehydration affects how our skin looks tremendously. This drip helps detoxify and replenish the body with nutrients that nourish hair, skin, and nails so they appear healthier, resulting in more youthful appearance over time.
The Executive Drip: The blend of vitamins helps allows you to enjoy the best life has to offer well after you clock out of work. You’ll feel shaper and clearer to perform daily activities with precision.
The Rise & Shine Drip: We’ve all had one of those nights where we’ve had (or a few) too many cocktails, or simply could not get the best night’s sleep we should have gotten. The Rise & Shine Drip was developed precisely for those moments and will help reinvigorate your mind & body.
Glow With Glutathione (Anti-Aging Fountain of Youth IV Drip): Glutathione recycles antioxidants in the body, playimg a vital role in the detoxification process in our bodies. This regenerative antioxidant is so powerful that when at appropriate levels in our bodies it can keep us optimal. Most people see immediate benefits for their skin, often times lightening the skin complexion to a more desirable skin tone.
Free Your Body From Toxins (Chelation IV Drip): This therapy uses a chelating agent (EDTA) to bond with heavy metals scattered all over your body, eliminating dangerous elements very easy and quickly. Once your body is free from these toxins, you can enjoy a better flow of blood due to the reduction of fatty deposits in your arteries, giving you the chance to engage in more energy demanding activities.
Get Your Vitamin IV Drip Today (Natural Defense Drip): When taken by intravenous infusion, Vitamin C can reach much higher levels in the blood compared to when same amount is taken orally. This immune-boosting Vitamin IV Cocktail incorporates powerful antioxidants to fight against airborne illnesses, helping you improve the body’s ability to withstand stress.

Glutathione: Strong Antioxidant; Empowers cells; slows down aging and produces bright, healthy, glowing skin.
Fountain of Youth: Replenishes the body for noticeably healthier skin, hair, and nails. Helps with reduction of stress, depression symptoms, fatigue, Female fertility, Fibromyalgia, Gastrointestinal health, Headaches, Hypertension, and Hypothyroidism.
Rise and Shine: Reduces Headaches and Improve Fatigues, Exhaustion, and other Hangover symptoms, Hydrates the body on a cellular level
Executive: Promotes Mental Clarity and Focus, Helps decrease anxiety, Helps with insomnia
Natural Defense: Protects the Body from Illness, Speeds up Recovery time from Airborne illnesses, such as a cold.
Chelation Therapy: Helps detoxify the body of heavy metals and free radicals, helps with heart disease and stroke prevention
Add Ons:
Energy and Metabolism Boost
Brain Boost
Immunity Boost

When you need to recover, we've got you covered. Replenish, refresh, recover, rejuvenate, and relax in our IV infusion Lounge.